Confession Time…

Line up of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z DVDs and Blu-rays

Not sure if I’m proud or insane.

These. Pictured above are the reason this blog has ceased any flow of content.

Yes, Dragon Ball. More specifically, Dragon Ball Z.

How did it get so out of control? Not the series, though that is also worth questioning. No no, I mean my consumption for this damn show! This show plunders the deepest nostalgic region of my brain, as I would catch episodes here and there when scouring the channels for something to watch in my youth. It was always that one great show I didn’t pay enough attention to or know much about, but knew I loved it every time I seen it on. Never did I think that I’d actually sit down and watch it all though, the series was far too long for my tastes.

Well, during my visit to Japan, I was jeopardized. We (my friends Ian and Brandon accompanied me) found a 1000-piece Dragon Ball Z puzzle while shopping, and the big doofuses that we are decided that the best way to spend an evening is to spend 4-6 hours putting the damn thing together and watching some Dragon Ball to “set the mood”. That taste, that small taste of 12 episodes we watched before finishing the puzzle left me hungering. I kept watching, just when there was nothing better to do. By the time I was back in Canada, I was halfway through the original series. By the time the summer was over, I was on the fourth season. Luckily for me, just as school was about to begin, I finished season 5. Season 6 was on backorder and was not yet in my possession. Finally it stopped, and I could resume my focus on the task at hand, my education…

… Until now. Not two weeks ago, it arrived in the mail. Logic told me I should wait to start watching the series again. I defied it, finishing the sixth season in a manner of days. Logic again tried it’s way into my skull, telling me that it was a perfect end to an arc and to let the series rest for a while. Again, my curiosity rebelled. I tore through seasons 7 and 8 within a week. Now, the final season sit in front of me. Taunting me. I know better, there are so many other things I should be doing. It knows I can’t resist though. So as I sit here in contemplation with Blu-ray case in hand, I know only one thing is clear…

… It has already won.

I’ve convinced myself that I’m on the final stretch. It’s almost done, right? I can put this demon behind me! Yet, I feel something looming on the horizon…

Dragon Ball Super

In all seriousness however, I will resume the game reviews shortly. I’ve got a couple contenders for the next write up that I’m excited to finally play, so look forward to the coming weeks!

UPDATE: Finished season 9 and the Battle of Gods film. I have now watched 3 seasons and the film in under a week, not including season 6 that I burned through in a few days prior to that… At least I’ve hit some sort of cap for myself.

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